Blog: Ask Dr. Gobezie2017-03-13T18:56:49+00:00

The Dangers of Poor Shoulder Posture

Are you sitting most of the day and texting constantly? Do you tend to look down instead of straight ahead? Are you neck and shoulders tense and strained? You might be at risk for or poor posture. Any easy way to test your posture is to have a friend take

In The News – Orthopedics Today

Dr. Gobezie was happy to be included in a recent Orthopedics Today article where the functional outcomes and longevity of RSA and TSA implants, as well the appropriate indications for RSA were discussed. Complete article linked here.

Senior Olympian Continues to Make Every Shot Count

When you do something best in life, you don’t really want to give that up. ―Roger Federer Nothing slows JoAnne Tressler down. So, when she fell and traumatically injured her shoulder when rushing to get back on her cruise ship, she hurried to find the right doctor. The Senior Olympian's

What is PT Genie and How It Works

Gobezie Shoulder Institute patients are some of the first in the country to use a mobile app that is changing the physical therapy paradigm – PT Genie. Before PT Genie, a patient’s post-surgical recovery—specifically their adherence to their prescribed physical therapy regimen -- was difficult for a surgeon to track.

Does Your Shoulder Click, Pop, Catch or Snap?

The Painful Clicking, Popping and Catching Shoulder Many patients ask me about pain from a “clicking, popping, catching/snapping” shoulder issue when they see me in the office.  Usually, I am able to answer their questions after listening to the descriptions of when they experience the discomfort associated with this phenomenon

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